Seed Counter Time: Within approximately 2 weeks, all of our seeds will be replaced with the new 2016 packages of seed. Many of the seeds have already been flipped, but we have just a few days of work remaining – just in time for giving your favorite gardener some exciting Christmas gifts!
We all enjoyed a vacation from most farm tasks last week, but are excited to get back in the dirt this week (once the rain stops!). Here’s a sneak peak at a few things up our sleeves right now:
We received several large boxes of heirloom daffodil bulbs in the mail last week, as well as the first large batch of tulips I will ever have attempted to grow to sell! Ruth and I will be planting them sometime in the next few days. The daffodils I received will add to and expand my collection of unique varieties seen below. These should all be blooming by mid-late March.

We will be digging and dividing dahlia tubers, in order to multiply our stock of the gorgeous blooms, shown below, for next summer and fall.

Tons of seeds are pouring in from our four main seed sources at the hardware store right now. Many hours will be spent filling our bulk seed jars, flipping our 99-cent packets to all 2016 seeds, and restocking our heirloom and organic seed wall with High Mowing and Baker Creek packets. Spring is in the air!!

Have a wonderful week, and we hope to see you soon!