Renfrow Farms Market stand Celebrates One Year!
I am still learning to document farm events more completely, but I did find some photos of our very first farm stand last November. It is such a delight to see the growth and progress that took place this year and we are so excited to see what next year brings.

I’ve worn these boots and water-proof pants practically nonstop for the past week. When I step in empty places in the fields right now my foot sinks in at least 4 inches. The weeds that are thriving in this rain are thankfully helping keep the soil from washing away! Many of the fall crops have flourished under all of this slow and steady rain – but we are ready for some sunshine, & we know you all are too!!!

The anemones that I planted a few weeks back are growing strongly (the quadruple-row on the left) and should be blooming by mid-winter. And my rows of ranunculus next to it have just emerged, though they’re too small for the camera to capture just yet. We are in the process of building some miniature unheated hoop houses over these flowers, called ‘low tunnels’ but it shouldn’t be cold enough to need to cover these plants with plastic for a couple more months.

My friend Rachel & her husband are in the process of adopting a child from China, and as a fundraiser she put together a creative ladies’ crafting weekend where she used many of our farm’s old and vintage antiques, baskets, boxes, pumpkins, wooden folding chairs, and other decor. Didn’t she and her friends do such a great job decorating?!!

Seeing what they did with our farm decor has inspired us to spend the winter months inventorying, photographing, and adding these unique items to our farm website for hosts and hostesses to rent for their own parties and events. We’ve had folks inquire about using lots of the artifacts in the rafters of the hardware store for years, and are finally ready to take the plunge!
Have a great week, and we hope to see you at the farm stand tomorrow!

Have a great week, and we hope to see you at the farm stand tomorrow!