Our Philosophy

Renfrow Farms is the embodiment of Renfrow Hardware’s commitment to fostering community and growing relationships around food, farming, and sustainability in Matthews and the greater Charlotte region.

We are committed to growing the highest quality fruits, vegetables, flowers, nuts and honey using the safest sustainable and natural methods. We are transparent with our practices and welcome any inquiries.

The local foods movement is here to stay, as people are increasingly tuning in to the importance of the quality and health benefits of the foods they consume. And the taste of sustainably grown produce absolutely cannot be beaten!

One of our strengths is the combined base of knowledge and experience of the staff of Renfrow Hardware & Farms. By being in such close proximity to the hardware store, we “practice what we preach” in a place where our community can observe, interact, and learn about growing and eating with the seasons, 365 days a year.

Family is at the heart of our businesses, both hardware and farm, and without each of the members of our Renfrow family, we would not be here today.

And most importantly, our relationships with Christ are the foundation of who we are and what we do. The Lord has called us to be good stewards of the resources He has given us, and thus we farm for His glory.

We look forward to serving you and your family.

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