Summer is still here
I really thought the heat wave would be over by now. But it sure didn’t let up last week – such a scorcher! The summer veggies do not mind. We are beginning to overlap seasons with fall offerings, but expect to have plenty of okra, tomatoes, and eggplant until the end of October. Greens are coming in abundantly, with radishes and broccoli not far behind.

The final sunflowers for the year will be available at the farm stand this week, along with several mixed bouquets.

Does anyone love cowpeas as much as my family does? We have an enormous heirloom pea patch on the farm this summer and they’re eager for harvest. There are way too many for us to pick ourselves!
If you are interested in pick-your-own cowpeas, stop by our farm stand on Tuesday between 10 and 2 and we will let you harvest to your heart’s content at a greatly reduced price-per-lb. Ten minutes of picking will easily yield thirty minutes of shelling and several tasty servings. This offer only stands during our market hours, thanks.

The first planting of greens are growing fast. I’ve already eaten several meals of collards and have noticed the first broccoli heads forming. Fall is in the air!