160+ Pounds of Tomatoes harvested for Tuesday Market Stand!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Purple…large heirlooms, medium-sized slicers, Roma for salsa, small cherries and grapes…the lineup is deliciously diverse!

Not to keep harping on this, but this variety is incredibly productive in our climate, and is, in our opinion, the most delicious! I just can’t calm my excitement over how well they’re growing!!

We pulled up the collards last week and Sid tilled the ground for us to plant more cowpeas. Fall planting will begin in full-force in about 3 weeks, and I’m working to get all of the field & crop layouts and planting calendar planned out before then. Summer is an exciting and BUSY time on the farm. The merry-go-round life of farming in the NC Piedmont never ends!

My second planting of giant zinnias are bursting into bloom. These flowers will forever be a fond reminder of my wedding last September, where I grew and arranged all of the flowers for the ceremony and reception, both held on our farm. (View photos here.) Please think of us when you’re planning your next shower or party – we grow a large variety of fresh flowers in a large spectrum of colors.